Life Care Insurance

All You Need to Know about Super Visa Insurance

While health insurance is recommended for all visitors to Canada, Super Visa Insurance is a mandate. When a Canadian sponsor (citizen or permanent resident) invites his/her parents or grandparents to visit them in Canada on a Super Visa, Super Visa Insurance is a prerequisite even before one can apply for the Super Visa. the very […]

10 Tips for Buying the Best Travel Insurance in Ontario

Travel insurance is a necessity when it comes to traveling internationally though everyone who buys it wishes that they never have to use it. Nevertheless, buy we must and that too the best one. If you are looking to travel to Canada, to Ontario in particular, here are 10 great tips for you to buy […]

Things to Remember before Buying Super Visa Insurance

If you are looking forward for a super visa for your parents or grandparents, super visa insurance is one of the most important requirements that you must not ignore. While the super visa allows the parents or immediate ancestors of the Canadian residents to visit them without applying for the visa every time they visit […]

10 Precious Father’s Day Gifts that Your Dad will Cherish

And…Father’s Day is almost here. And….this year too, most of us will find ourselves worrying and scurrying, thinking what gift to buy for our fathers. Well, there are two cents we’d like to give here. One, why not just keep valuing our fathers each day of our lives? Two, if at all we need a […]

8 Reasons People Don’t Buy Life Insurance (and Why They’re Wrong)

Excuses, excuses, excuses; generally people say they don’t have enough money to buy life insurance, budget is tight; not enough money; may be in the future’ don’t need right now or I am not going to die too soon. Do you think that one of this haunts you also? I don’t have money- costs too […]

How To Reduce Financial Stress

Life goes on. It’s not worth spending time worrying about your finance. Be active in solving the problems. Financial stress will no longer affect you.