MANULIFE Visitors Insurance
Administrated by: The Manufactures Life Insurance Company (Manulife Financial).
Underwritten by: The Manufactures Life Insurance Company (Manulife Financial).
24 hours Assistance Center: Active Care Management.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.
- Emergency Medical maximum benefits: $15,000; $25,000; $50,000; $100,000 and $150,000.
- Emergency hospital: semi-private room or intensive care unit when medically necessary.
- Ambulance Transportation: the use of a licensed local ambulance service.
- Emergency Air Transportation: the cost for one-way economy airfare, stretcher or air ambulance to transport you to your country of origin, and a medical attendant if required. *
- Diagnostics: tests that are needed to diagnose or find out more about your condition. **
- Physician services.
- Private duty registered nurse while you are in hospital.
- Medical Appliances - the rental or purchase (whichever is less) of a hospital bed, wheelchair, brace, crutch or other medical appliance.
- Follow up visits are covered until the attending physician, or Manulife medical advisors declare the end of the medical emergency.
- Professional Medical Services referred by a physician - treatment received from a licensed chiropractor, osteopath, acupuncturist, chiropodist, physiotherapist or podiatrist, up to $70 per visit to a maximum of $700 for a covered injury.
- Telemedicine service by Maple – 24/7 days medical consultation service that connects you within minutes to a Canadian licensed primary care physician to get an assessment, diagnosis and prescription as needed. Currently Maple is available in ON, BC, NS, MB, NL, AB, PEI, NB, QC, NU and YT. Call the Assistance Center and ask for Maple service.
- Prescription drugs
- Accidental Dental: Up to $4,000 for repair or replacement of your natural or permanently attached artificial teeth damaged by an accidental blow to the mouth.
- Dental Emergencies: Up to $300 for the relief of dental pain.
- Expenses related to death from covered medical condition - up to $3,000 for container and to prepare or cremate the body, plus the expenses to return the body or ashes to the country of origin, or up to $3,000 for burial at place of death.*
- Travel Accident Insurance - up to $50,000 for accidental death or dismemberment.
- Meals and Accommodation - up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500 for hotel, meals, essential calls and taxi fares, if a medical emergency prevents you or your travel companion from returning home as originally planned.*
- Expenses to bring someone to your bedside - up to $3,000 for airfare and up to $500 for hotel and meals for someone to be with you, if traveling alone and admitted to a hospital for 5 days or more. *
- Expenses to return your travel companion - if you are repatriated or evacuated (returned home due to sickness or death), Manulife will cover the cost of one-way economy class airfare, to return home your travel companion (one person who is travelling with you and insured under Manulife travel insurance plan). *
- Childcare expenses - up to $100 per day to a maximum of $300 per trip, if you are admitted to hospital. *
- Expenses to return of children under your care, if you are admitted to hospital for more than 24 hours. *
- Hospital Allowance - up to $100 for each 24-hour period to a maximum of $300 for telephone and television out-of-pocket expenses, if you are hospitalized for more than 72 hours.
- Trip break for temporary visit back to your country of origin are available when approved by Manulife.
- Flight to/from Canada coverage: When coverage is purchased prior to leaving home with an effective date equal to the date and time you are scheduled to arrive in Canada, coverage will also be provided with no additional premium during your uninterrupted flight directly to Canada. An uninterrupted flight can include a stop-over provided you do not leave the airport. When the expiry date equals to the date and time you are scheduled to leave Canada, coverage will also be provided with no additional premium during your uninterrupted flight from Canada directly home.
– Trip interruption – up to $1,500 for single coverage or $5,000 for family if your trip is interrupted due to a covered event.
* These benefits must be authorized and arranged by the Assistance Centre.
** Magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, sonograms, ultrasounds or biopsies, cardiac catheterization, angioplasty and/or cardiovascular surgery including any associated diagnostic test(s) or charges must be approved in advance by the Assistance Centre prior to being performed. All surgery must be authorized by the Assistance Centre prior to being performed except in extreme circumstances where surgery is performed on an emergency basis immediately upon admission to hospital.
You are not eligible for coverage under this policy if any of the following apply to you:
a) you are travelling against the advice of a physician;
b) you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 2 years to live;
c) you have a kidney condition requiring dialysis;
d) you have used home oxygen during the 12 months prior to the date of application;
e) you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or any other form of dementia;
f) you are under 30 days or over 85 years of age (over 69 years of age for $150,000 Emergency Medical coverage);
g) you reside in a nursing home, home for the aged, other long-term care facility or rehabilitation centre; and/or
h) you require assistance with activities of daily living. Activities of daily living means eating, bathing, using the toilet, changing positions (including getting in and out of a bed or chair) and dressing.
a) Visitors to Canada;
b) Canadians who are not eligible for benefits under a government health insurance plan;
c) Persons who are in Canada on a work visa or Parent and Grandparent Super Visa; or
d) New immigrants who are awaiting Canadian government health insurance plan coverage.
WAITING PERIOD means the 48-hour period following and including your effective date of insurance if you purchase your policy:
• after the expiry date of an existing Manulife Visitor to Canada policy; or
• after you arrive in Canada.
The waiting period will be waived if you purchased this policy prior to the expiry date of an existing Visitors to Canada policy already issued by Manulife, to take effect on the day following such expiry date, provided that there is no increase in the coverage amount or change in the Plan you select.
A waiting period will apply, except in the case of injury, if you purchase this insurance after your arrival in Canada or after the expiry date of an existing Visitors to Canada policy issued by Manulife.
Manulife will not pay any expenses relating to:
Plan A –
a) any medical condition, diagnosed or undiagnosed, which existed or for which you sought or received medical advice, consultation, investigation, or for which treatment was required or recommended by a physician, within the 180 days prior to the effective date.
b) any heart condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required any form of nitroglycerine for the relief of angina pain; and/or
c) any lung condition, if in the 180 days before the effective date, you required treatment with oxygen or Prednisone for a lung condition.
Plan B –
a) pre-existing condition that is not STABLE in the 180 days before the effective date of insurance;
b) any heart condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required any form of nitroglycerine for the relief of angina pain; and/or
c) any lung condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required treatment with oxygen or Prednisone for a lung condition.
Plan B applicants 40 years of age or over must complete the medical questionnaire.
Plan A and B – Expenses for a pre-existing condition for which you were hospitalized either more than once, or for at least two consecutive days, in the 12-months period before your effective date of insurance.
Stable medical condition means that:
• you have not had a new symptom(s); and
• existing symptom(s) have not become more frequent or severe; and
• a physician has not found that the medical condition has become worse; and
• no test findings have shown that the medical condition may be getting worse; and
• a physician has not provided, prescribed, or recommended any new medication, or any change in medication; and
• a physician has not provided, prescribed, or recommended any new treatment, or any change in treatment; and
• there has been no hospitalization or referral to a specialist or specialty clinic; and
• a physician has not advised referral to a specialty clinic or a specialist or further testing, and there has been no testing for which the results have not yet been received.
Change in medication means the medication dosage, frequency, or type has been reduced, increased, or stopped, and/or new medication/s has/have been prescribed. The following is not considered a change in medication: a) a change from a brand-name drug to an equivalent generic drug of the same dosage; b) a routine adjustment in the dosage of your medication, as a result of your blood levels only, if you are taking Coumadin (warfarin) or insulin and are required to have your blood levels tested on a regular basis, and your medical condition remains unchanged.
To extend your coverage, you must make your request before your expiry date or the date you were scheduled to return home as per your confirmation. If you have had no change in your health status and have had no event that has resulted or may result in a claim against the policy since the effective date of insurance, the extension may be issued upon request. Otherwise, the extension is subject to the approval of the Assistance Centre. In order to avoid the waiting period, purchase your extension of coverage before the expiry date of your existing Visitors to Canada policy issued by Manulife.
This insurance provides coverage while travelling outside Canada (excluding your country of origin), as long as your side-trip originates and terminates in Canada and does not exceed the lesser of: 30 days per policy or 49% of your total number of coverage days. During your coverage period, if you take a side-trip outside of Canada that is longer than that permitted in this policy, your Visitors to Canada coverage will be suspended for the remainder of your side-trip but your coverage will not be terminated. When you return to Canada, your coverage will resume.
Proof of travel dates for side-trips outside Canada are required in case of a claim.
To obtain a refund of premium
a) If you are cancelling your policy because your application for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa was refused, you must provide proof of Visa refusal with your request for a full refund. Otherwise, you can ask for a full refund at any time before the effective date of your insurance.
b) If you obtain Canadian government health insurance plan coverage, or return home before the date you were scheduled as per your confirmation, and have not reported or initiated a claim or been provided with any assistance services, you may ask for a refund of the premium for the unused days of your trip and will need to provide proof of the date you actually returned home or the effective date of your Canadian government health insurance plan coverage. Simply contact us to ask for a refund. All travellers insured under the same policy must return together or have Canadian government health insurance plan coverage in effect for a refund to be possible. Minimum premium refund amount is $25.
c) If you hold a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa and have purchased 365 days of coverage, and requesting a partial refund due to your early return to your home or departure from Canada and:
• have had no claim that has been reported, paid or denied – unused premiums (minimum of $25) may be refunded when you have provided proof of return to your home or departure from Canada.
• have reported a claim or have a payable claim for which the payment has not been issued or the total amount of all reported eligible claim expenses will not exceed the deductible amount – you may apply to have such claim withdrawn and, subject to our approval, unused premium may be refunded less a handling fee of $300 per claim which will be deducted from any amount to be refunded. Any expenses related to any claim that you withdraw, will be your responsibility for payment.
• when a claim has been denied or paid – no refund is possible.
A written request to cancel this policy must be received within 60 days following the date your return home along with proof of your departure from Canada. In no event will we back-date a cancellation to a date more than 60 days prior to the date of receipt of your cancellation request. If your cancellation request must include a copy of your return airline ticket or a copy of your boarding pass, and a copy of every page of your passport to verify that you did not visit Canada between the date you returned home and the date you submitted your refund request and a statement saying that you have not incurred any payed claims and will not report or submit any claims against this policy. Once any refund of premium has been requested, no expenses will be accepted for consideration under the policy, regardless of the date the expense was incurred. Refunds will be credited to the same credit card used to charge the premium.
No refunds are available for Trip Interruption Insurance after the effective date, side-trips or Trip Breaks.
NOTE: If you are a visitor to Canada with an IEC work permit, this policy will continue to provide eligible benefits that are not covered by your government health insurance plan.
In the event of an emergency, you must call the Assistance Center immediately: 1-877-878-0142 toll free from Canada or the U.S., or 519-251-5166
collect call from anywhere else.
Call within 24 hours of hospitalization. If you do not contact the Assistance Centre before receiving medical treatment, you will have to pay 20% of the medical expenses normally paid by Manulife under this insurance. If it is medically impossible for you to call, we ask that you call as soon as you can or that someone calls on your behalf.
The Assistance Centre will verify and explain your coverage to you; refer you to a medical provider; arrange to have your covered expenses billed directly to Manulife where possible; and monitor your medical condition.
Your claim must be sent to Manulife within 90 days of your loss.
Ensure you keep a copy of your receipts, bills and invoices for your records.
Please, mail all original receipt, bills and invoices to:
Manulife Financial Travel Insurance
c/o Active Care Management
P.O. Box 1237 Stn. A
Windsor, ON
N9A 6P8
For Online Claim Submission visit manulife.acmtravel.ca
Manulife will not pay any expenses or benefits relating directly or indirectly to:
1. Any sickness, or disease suffered during the waiting period.
2. For Plan A –
a) any medical condition, diagnosed or undiagnosed, which existed or for which you sought or received medical advice, consultation, investigation, or for which treatment was required or recommended by a physician, within the 180 days prior to the effective date.
b) any heart condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required any form of nitroglycerine for the relief of angina pain; and/or
c) any lung condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required treatment with oxygen or Prednisone for a lung condition.
3. For Plan B –
a) a pre-existing condition that is not stable in the 180 days before the effective date of insurance;
b) any heart condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required any form of nitroglycerine for the relief of angina pain; and/or
c) any lung condition if, in the 180 days before the effective date, you required treatment with oxygen or Prednisone for a lung condition.
4. Expenses for a pre-existing condition for which you were hospitalized either more than once, or for at least 2 consecutive days, in the 12-month period before your effective date of insurance.
5. Covered expenses that exceed the reasonable and customary charges that normally apply where the medical emergency occurs.
6. Covered expenses that exceed the maximum insured amount available under the plan you have purchased.
7. Any expenses or benefits if the information provided on the application for insurance is not truthful and accurate or you did not meet the eligibility requirements under this coverage.
8. Covered expenses that exceed 80% of those Manulife would normally pays under this insurance, if you do not contact the Assistance Centre within 24 hours of hospitalization, unless your medical condition makes it medically impossible for you to call (in that case, the 20% co-insurance does not apply).
9. Any treatment that is not for an emergency.
10 Continued treatment of a medical condition when you have already received emergency treatment for that condition during your trip, if Manulife’s medical advisors determine that the medical emergency has ended.
11. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, sonograms, ultrasounds or biopsies, cardiac catheterization, angioplasty and/or cardiovascular surgery including any associated diagnostic test(s) or charges unless approved in advance by the Assistance Centre prior to being performed. All surgery must be authorized by the Assistance Centre prior to being performed except in extreme circumstances where surgery is performed on an emergency basis immediately upon admission to hospital.
12. A medical condition:
• when you knew, before you left home, or before the effective date of coverage, that you would need or be required to seek treatment for that medical condition during your trip; and/or
• for which it was reasonable to expect before you left home, or before your effective date of coverage, that you would need treatment during your trip; and/or
• for which future investigation or treatment was planned before you left home; and/or
• which produced symptoms that would have caused an ordinarily prudent person to seek treatment in the 3 months before leaving home; and/or
• that had caused your physician to advise you not to travel.
13. Any emergency and non-emergency medical services for any injury that occurred or illness that started or was treated during any trip break that you have taken or after the number of days permitted for your side-trip outside of Canada.
14. An emergency resulting from mountain climbing requiring the use of specialized equipment, including carabineers, crampons, pick axes, anchors, bolts and lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment to ascend or descend a mountain; rock-climbing; parachuting, skydiving, hang-gliding or using any other air-supported sporting device; participating in a motorized speed contest; or your professional participation in a sport, snorkeling or scuba-diving when that sport, snorkeling or scuba-diving, is your principal paid occupation.
15. Self-inflicted injuries, unless medical evidence establishes that the injuries are related to a mental health illness.
16. Committing or attempting to commit a criminal act.
17. Not following a recommended or prescribed therapy or treatment
18. Any loss, injury or death related to intoxication, the misuse, abuse, overdose, or chemical dependence on medication, drugs, alcohol or other intoxicant.
19. Any loss resulting from your minor mental or emotional disorder. Minor mental or emotional disorder means: • having anxiety or panic attacks, or • being in an emotional state or in a stressful situation. A minor mental or emotional disorder is one where your treatment includes only minor tranquilizers or minor anti-anxiety (anxiolytics) medication or no prescribed medication at all.
20. a) your routine prenatal care; b) your pregnancy or childbirth or complications thereof when they happen in the 9 weeks before or after the expected date of delivery; c) your child born during your trip.
21. For insured children under 2 years of age, any medical condition related to a birth defect.
22. Any benefit that must be authorized or arranged in advance by the Assistance Centre when it has given no authorization or made no arrangement for that benefit.
23. Any emergency that occurs or recurs after Manulife’s medical advisors recommend that you return home following your emergency treatment, and you choose not to.
24. Any death or injury sustained while piloting an aircraft, learning to pilot an aircraft or acting as a member of an aircraft crew.
25. For consecutive policies with no interruption in coverage and policy extensions: any medical condition which first appeared, was diagnosed or for which you received medical treatment, after the scheduled departure date and prior to the effective date of the subsequent policy or insurance extension.
26. Any follow-up visits outside Canada when the emergency occurred in Canada.
27. Any medical condition or injury you contract or suffer in a specific country, region, or city when a Government of Canada Travel Advisory, issued before your departure to that country, region, or city advises Canadians to avoid all or non-essential travel to that specific country, region or city. In this exclusion “medical condition” is limited, related or due to the reason for the Travel Advisory.
28. Any act of war or act of terrorism.
Plan A – Premium per day | |||||
Age/Sum | $15,000 | $25,000 | $50,000 | $100,000 | $150,000 |
0-25 | $2.21 | $2.28 | $2.63 | $3.35 | $4.62 |
26-34 | $2.25 | $2.44 | $2.82 | $3.62 | $4.93 |
35-39 | $2.35 | $2.57 | $2.95 | $3.79 | $5.71 |
40-54 | $2.70 | $2.95 | $3.26 | $4.76 | $6.67 |
55-59 | $3.05 | $3.10 | $3.68 | $5.14 | $7.14 |
60-64 | $3.50 | $3.90 | $4.57 | $6.00 | $7.62 |
65-69 | $3.95 | $4.76 | $5.24 | $6.82 | $9.52 |
70-74 | $5.60 | $6.67 | $7.90 | $9.92 | N/A |
75-79 | $6.67 | $8.47 | $10.14 | $12.87 | N/A |
80-85 | $8.95 | $10.56 | $11.43 | $13.10 | N/A |
Plan B – Premium per day | |||||
0-25 | $2.43 | $2.51 | $2.97 | $3.69 | $5.08 |
26-34 | $2.48 | $2.68 | $3.10 | $3.98 | $5.42 |
35-39 | $2.59 | $2.83 | $3.25 | $4.17 | $6.28 |
40-54 | $2.97 | $3.25 | $3.59 | $5.24 | $7.34 |
55-59 | $3.36 | $3.41 | $4.05 | $5.65 | $7.85 |
60-64 | $3.85 | $4.29 | $5.03 | $6.60 | $8.38 |
65-69 | $4.35 | $5.24 | $5.76 | $7.50 | $10.47 |
70-74 | $6.16 | $7.34 | $8.69 | $10.91 | N/A |
75-79 | $7.34 | $9.32 | $11.15 | $14.16 | N/A |
80-85 | $9.85 | $11.62 | $12.57 | $14.41 | N/A |
The published rates for the Emergency Medical Plans include a $75 CDN deductible. The following deductible options are available for Emergency Medical Plans only:
Deductible Options* | $0 | $75 | $500 | $1,000 | $2,500 | $5,000 |
Applicable Savings/Surcharge | 5% surcharge | 0% surcharge | 15% savings | 20% savings | 25% savings | $35% savings |
* $CDN per insured per emergency medical claim
– Family Coverage is available under Plan A if you purchased and paid the premium for Family Coverage. The parent(s) must be under the age of 60 and their unmarried dependent son or daughter, travelling with them must be:
– dependent on the parent(s) for support; and
– named on the confirmation; and
– at least 30 days of age but under 21 years of age; or,
– any age if mentally or physically disabled.
– Maximum period of coverage is 365 days.
– Age means your age at the effective date of your insurance.
– Current premiums are subject to change at any time.
What is covered under optional Trip Interruption Insurance?
Trip Interruption Insurance is an optional plan that provides coverage for an individual trip. If your trip is interrupted due to a covered event that occurs under this insurance, Manulife will pay up to a maximum of $1,500 for single coverage, or $5,000 for family coverage for:
1. a) the prepaid portion of your trip that is non-refundable and non-transferable to another travel date, except prepaid unused transportation home; or
b) your additional and unplanned hotel and meal expenses, your essential phone calls and taxi fares to a maximum of up to $300 per day for up to 2 days when no earlier transportation arrangements are available; and/or
c) your one-way economy class airfare via the most cost-effective itinerary to return you home.
2. Events covered after you arrive in Canada from home include:
a) your or your travel companion’s emergency medical condition or death;
b) your or your travel companion’s immediate family member’s emergency medical condition or death;
c) emergency hospitalization or death of the person whose guest you are during your trip.
A medical condition related to a covered event, if the medical condition was not stable in the 3 months before the effective date of insurance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.
Manulife Visitors Insurance POLICY PDF
Manulife Visitors Application Form – DocuSign (fillable)
Manulife Financial and the block design are registered service marks and trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its affiliates, including Manulife Financial Corporation.
Manulife supports THiA Bill of Rights. For more information, go to www.thiaonline.com/Travel_Insurance_Bill_of_Rights_and_Responsibilities.html