Life Insurance

Which Type of Life Insurance Is Perfect for You? By now, a fair number of Canadians have started realizing that life insurance is necessary for the protection of their family’s financial security. But how many of us know which type of insurance to buy? Not many, I suppose. This is why, today I will […]
Type of Life Insurance

Why you Need Life Insurance while Buying a House To be honest, when a couple buys their first home, they usually need to take out a mortgage and that is usually the time when they realize that they need a life insurance. It is a common scenario that people never think of buying a life […]
Type of Life Insurance

Which Type of Life Insurance Is Perfect for You? By now, a fair number of Canadians have started realizing that life insurance is necessary for the protection of their family’s financial security. But how many of us know which type of insurance to buy? Not many, I suppose. This is why, today I will discuss […]
Life Insurance (protected view)

Does Smoking Affect your Life Insurance? According to a report by the Canadian Cancer Society, smoking generates a massive $6.5 billion in healthcare costs in a year. So, if you have been wondering it your smoking habit affects your life insurance policy, the answer is certainly yes. If you are a smoker, there can be […]
Importance of naming a beneficiary
Why You Must Name a Beneficiary The sad truth about money and material things is that you can’t take them with you to your grave. All that must be left to someone, and someone dear for that matter who might use it well. This is why you name a beneficiary wherever possible. What do you […]
Should You Buy Term Life Insurance?

Should You Buy Term Life Insurance? Have you been considering buying temporary financial protection to provide for your loved ones but are still wondering if it is the right thing to do? We’ll help you find out. One thing that we want to tell you right at the outset is that if you are thinking […]
What Every Family should Know about Life Insurance?

What Every Family should Know about Life Insurance It’s a very wise decision to protect your family with a life insurance plan. But that’s not where your job is done. There are some things that your family needs to know about your insurance and theirs. Just like you will still need to unload a washing […]
Disability Insurance Guide
Disability Insurance Guide Our most important asset is our health and our ability to work is contributing towards meeting expenses for life. Disability due to Injury or Sickness can directly and severely impact our ability to work thus hampering business or job resulting in loss of income or business revenue. We can never anticipate injury […]