Life Care Insurance

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Buy the Best Super Visa Insurance in Surrey

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What Do You Know about the Super Visa Insurance?

  • While buying a Super Visa Insurance plan is mandate before you apply for the Super Visa itself, not many people know the most important things about this insurance. And this is the reason why applicants face rejection or inconvenience even when policy has been issued. So, in order to buy the best Super Visa Insurance plan in Surrey, you must understand the insurance well.
  • While Super Visa Insurance is almost the same as the Visitor to Canada medical insurance, the major difference is that only parents and grandparents of the sponsor who is a permanent Canadian resident or citizen are eligible for this insurance. In fact, the government mandates it for them.
  • One thing that you must ensure while buying Super Visa Insurance in Surrey is that it includes the following: premium amount, primary & secondary benefits, and cancellation & refund policy. Also remember that factors like the nationality of the applicant, their relation with the sponsor, the sponsor’s and the applicant’s relations with the native country, as well as the financial position of the sponsor, etc., matter for approval.

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Understanding the Super Visa Program Better before Buying Insurance

  • November 2011 was when this program was launched by the Canadian government. This initiative aimed at accelerating the visa approvals for non-Canadian parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents under the family reunification program. This is the reason behind its instant and immense success.
  • The longest period of stay that the visa facilitates is 10 years. On the first approval, however, the holder can stay only upto 2 years in Canada, needing a renewal thereafter.

What You Need for Super Visa for Surrey

  • Only a non-Canadian parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident is eligible to apply.
  • There should be no ban by the Canadian government on the applicant from entering Canada.
  • The sponsor must earn and declare the minimum income that the Canadian government prescribes for them to support the applicant.
  • The sponsor must also declare in a written statement, their intent to bear the expenses of the applicant while their stay in Canada.
  • The sponsor must offer a formal letter of invitation to the applicant before they can apply for the visa.
  • A minimum of $100,000 cover for minimum one year is required for the Super Visa Insurance policy to be able to apply for Super Visa.

Can You Get the Best Deal on Super Visa Insurance in Surrey?

  • Certainly. Life Care, in fact, ensures that you get to choose from among the best of Super Visa Insurance providers in Surrey with the help of our super Visa Insurance calculator and our licensed insurance agents.
  • The calculator asks for very basic information from you to fetch upto 7 best price quotes from insurers in Surrey. This helps you compare providers and plans and choose the one that suits your requirements. It also offers to let you compare premiums, benefits, deductibles, eligibility criteria, cover, and exclusions for pre-existing medical conditions, and cancellation & refund policy.

How Much will Super Visa Insurance in Surrey Cost You?

  • You will need two things no matter which plan you choose: minimum cover of $100,000; insurance period of 1 year.
  • For these two fixed factors different insurers will offer you different plans with different premiums, benefits, inclusions and exclusions. There will be choice among basic, elite, comprehensive, platinum plans. However, as assured by the Canadian government, every plan will have basic benefits like health care, hospitalization, and repatriation.
  • Because of this difference in offerings by various insurers, you must very carefully read all the policy related documents. Be even more careful when the applicant has a pre-existing medical condition. Making a decision in haste may lead to complications, especially if the cover amount and period are less than the mandatory value.

What is a Super Visa Insurance Monthly Plan? 

  • It is a convenient plan offered by Life Care from two trusted insurers—21st Century Travel Insurance and Travel Shield—wherein you don’t need to pay 100% of the policy charges in the beginning.
  • While there is always the standard practice of paying the 100% premium upfront, some clients do prefer paying in monthly installments. Life Care makes it easy for such clients.
  • This kind of a plan warrants the payment of only the first two installments (and administration cost which is usually below $50) for the policy to be issued in the insured’s name.These charges, however, are not refundable in any case. The policy becomes active with the arrival of the insured in Canada. The remaining sum is spread over 10 monthly payments.
  • For clients it means less financial burden at the beginning of the policy. And if the policy needs to be cancelled later, the refund of the pending installments is even easier.


  • Buying a Super Visa Insurance policy in Surrey doesn’t have to be an uphill task when you have the support of Life Care. Our calculator and licensed agents makes it a breeze for you to make a wise decision.
  • The only effort we need from you is to read all policy related documents very carefully before making a purchase. It is recommended especially in the case of policy for pre-existing medical conditions. Not having read the inclusions, exclusions and benefits well can make you end up buying a policy that is as good as none.
  • And remember, when in doubt, ask. Our agents are there to assist you throughout the selection and the purchase process.
