And…Father’s Day is almost here. And….this year too, most of us will find ourselves worrying and scurrying, thinking what gift to buy for our fathers.
Well, there are two cents we’d like to give here. One, why not just keep valuing our fathers each day of our lives? Two, if at all we need a day to celebrate them, why not think out of the box and go for some things that are not defined by price tags?
Here’s our list of 10 incredibly precious gift ideas for Father’s Day. From an omelette to a Super Visa Insurance, here are gift idea that will touch his heart.
Your Time
You may have made more money than your father ever did, or even be at a better position than him, there is one thing he had for you but you don’t have for him—time. This Father’s Day give him your time. Sit with him, go for a walk with him, make the two of you a cup of coffee, chat, maybe hug him till he smiles. Your time matters to him much more than a material gift. Give him that even if you have an expensive gift ready for him.
A Fitness Band
Everyone’s got one. We bet even you have one. Then why not him. It’s in; it’s useful; it’s so affordable; and it’s easy to use just in case your father isn’t one of the tech-savvy dads. Even if he is old-school, we’re sure that he’ll like one since it is all about health and so simple to use even if he is going for a walk.
And if he has had heart ailments, it’s a definite hit to let him track his heart rate no matter where and when he wants.
Full-Body Health Checkup Package
Anything above 40 in men is a great time to start tracking your health. A full-body health checkup is more than welcome if you go by our experience. Get him a great package that pays for his health checkups from time to time and offers him a full body checkup.
Reluctant as most parents become when they are old, take the pain out their healthcare worries. Let your father rely on you for looking after his health when it is needed the most.
A Super Visa Insurance if he’s Moved with you to Canada
Well, it’s more of a parents’ gift rather than just a Father’s Day gift for, well, immigrant families. If your parents have just moved to Canada or are visiting you, perhaps a Super Visa Insurance is the most superb gift you can give them.
It is just like Visitor to Canada medical insurance. If you are a citizen of Canada, the Insurance for Super Visa is for your parents and even grandparents.
There are several companies in Canada that offer Super Visa Insurance for your parents. Sift through a score of them to find out which offers the best rates for the highest coverage. Trust us, for immigrant, this is perhaps the best gift that dads will love.
Tell him What he Means to you
When was the last time you said “I love you” to your father? When he bought you your first bicycle? When he paid for your college? Well, not of late, we guess.
It’s about time you told him how much you love him and what he means to you. Acknowledge all that he has done for you; how all that he has done has contributed in making the person that you are today; all the love and gratitude you feel for him but do not express often. Say it out loud and give him a hug, will you?
Play his Favorite Movie
Well, it’s not just you who’s a movie buff. Every dad was once as interested in movies as you are. Maybe he loves a classic; maybe he loves a modern. Find out what his favorite movie is, find a show if it’s playing somewhere, or rent it out if you can’t find it on streaming apps, make him a big tub of popcorn and watch his favorite movie with him.
You will get to see your father like don’t see him usually. Try it.
Cook for him
You may not be a cook and may not know what ingredient goes in to create that perfect taste. But you must know that there is one ingredient that makes a perfect gift—love.
It hardly matters if it’s coq au vin or a plain salt and pepper omelette. What matters is the intent behind it, the emotion behind it, the love that you put into even the butter toast that you make for your father on his special day.
Wake up early and cook before your father or your mother can make him a meal. He’ll love the gesture.
Throw a Party, the Kind he Likes
Sure, it’s your age for partying. But who said he doesn’t deserve one. Get your dad’s best buddies, take ideas for a great party, keep it simple or loud, however, he likes it.
The point is to throw him a party that is just the kind he likes. He’s sure to love it.
Sponsor a Vacation
If he loves travelling, sponsor a vacation for him; with your mother, if he likes to travel with her; solo if like to travel alone.
Pick a place that he’s love to go to, work out all the details like dates, flights, hotels, food, and expenses and off you send him.
If he likes family vacations, care to join him and the family for the vacay. This will be one priceless gift you’d be giving him.
Give him a Day off by Doing his Chores
Give him a day off. Take on all his chores, and send him for a spa maybe.
Taking his responsibilities for a day and letting him do what he wants with his day can be quite a relaxation for him. After all, everyone needs a break every now and then. And what better than having a break without asking for one? Go for it. He’ll love it.